11:00  Intersectionality - adhd x transgender x endometriosis - and menopause

Speakers: Nikki Davies, Emery Fung, Lesther Kelly Libarios, Noelle Sinclair.
Moderator: Kate Wood.

Managing the menopause transition can feel like playing the lottery—you never know what symptoms will arise or how severe they might be. Although menopause is a natural phase that affects half of the global population, no two experiences are the same. There is no parallel in healthcare for something so universally unpredictable, and certainly nothing comparable that impacts men worldwide.

This panel discussion will spotlight the diverse experiences of three women, affirming why there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to menopause.


10:40 Break: Refuel, Refresh & Rehydrate


11:55 Deconstructing Menopause Insurance & Wellness